Monthly Archives: November 2011

Tea always helps.

Tea always help…

Bunny Boy

Bunny Boy

My favourite character from the film Gummo. Great movie.

Okay, fine. I give. Fruit Ninja is addicting.

When I notice that I’ve been staring blankly at the computer monitor without clicking a thing for thirty seconds, that’s when I realize that it’s time to get up and start homework.

My cat thinks that my lap is the greatest place in the whole world. Especially [only] when I’m crouching in front of the laptop.
I think my bed is the greatest place in the world. At least, at this point in my life, it brings me the most comfort.
Sleep deprivation has a bad habit of making me sad, and I  have a bad habit of being sleep deprived.
Kitty needs to realize that her lack of thumbs isn’t helping her attempt to type.
One more day of school, then West Virginia for Thanksgiving.
Have you noticed that the lines of text in this post
Are getting shorter and shorter?
I think I’m becoming a

Oh dear. The Fanfiction Monster is out to get me again. Just when I thought I’d escaped!

Holy shit, my room is cold.

Girl, Interrupted

I’ve recently been on a buzz of sorts. More a film buzz than anything else, I guess, but a buzz nonetheless.

Yesterday, by chance I found myself watching the movie “Girl, Interrupted” on Netflix instant streaming, and I was pinned to the couch for the full two hours and eight minutes. That’s right. If I needed to pee, well, too damn bad, because that would mean pausing, and that would be positively unheard of. Thirsty? What a shame. Too captivating to sacrifice the moment and quench my thirst.

It was fantastic. I’m no big Angelina Jolie fan, honestly, but damn, did she make a good sociopath. I loved the film because since I’m a psychology buff, I was able to follow it, and the whole time I was thinking, “That’s so accurate! It makes so much sense that they’d be impacted, because that’s part of the diagnosis!” My brother was sprawled out on the living room floor watching, and I was surprised he had it in him to stay the whole film, what with me predicting every major event that happened. She killed herself? Saw it coming. Lisa runs away but comes back? Definitely. She’s not an expendable character.

Anyhow, I was thoroughly impressed. I mean, I watched it a second time starting midnight, ending at two, and still can’t wrap my mind around how well done the film was.

So this morning, I went to a pancake breakfast being provided at Applebee’s by the high school’s Nordic Ski team with a friend (great pancakes, horrendous coffee), and afterwards we headed over to Barnes and Noble to wander aimlessly through the used book section. I was drifting purposelessly through a row of eye-level shelves when my eye happened to catch on the words “Girl, Interrupted”. I’d heard there was a book, but at first glance seeing as the cover was also the cover of the movie, I hesitantly figured that it was based off of the movie, instead of vice versa. Turns out, I was wrong, thankfully.

What I also didn’t know, but was thrilled to discover, was that it was no work of fiction. The book was a memoir, told by the author, Susanna Kaysen, who had actually gone through what was featured in the film.

No wonder all the psychological aspects seemed realistic. They weren’t just the results of crummy authors’ time spend on Wikipedia (no offense to Wikipedia; without Wikipedia, I’d be nothing), this was nothing but a massive primary source. I was thrilled. Again.

I bought the book, of course; it was none less than a moral obligation at that point, and sat down and proceeded to work my way through a good quarter of it in about twenty minutes. I haven’t read a book so quickly in months. It feels good. Indeed, I’ll have to reread it at some point, more thoroughly, but for now, speed was a necessity. I brought the book with me to Church at eleven, and sat hunched over it while the scornful old Catholics and fearful younger Catholics glared over my shoulder, but that didn’t bother me much. I’ve sort of taken to reading other material during Church. Despite the loud, out of tune singing, it’s a great time to get some reading in when I otherwise can’t find the time.

I recommend the film and the book. The film did not in any way, shape or form follow the book, but both are equally high in quality. However, I’d say watch the movie first (I’m usually not one to say such a thing, honest), as it makes for following the book a bit easier, though the inconsistencies are blatant.

I’m still suffering from the film buzz. But now, I’ve the additional literature buzz to cope with.

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My day just got a little better, pulled out of its normal routine of miserable and anxious all bottled up inside, because I went to the Record Archive and found three new CDs. “The Velvet Underground Loaded”, [Velvet Underground, obviously], which I’d been meaning to get for a while, “Lon Gisland”, by Beirut, one of my favourite bands with a strikingly distinct sound, and “Noble Beast”, by Andrew Bird, who is climbing higher and higher on my collective ladder of beloved artists. 

Now I need some tea, and to finish my English paper.


My day just got…

There are only two things that I really cannot tolerate:
Deliberate stupidity…and intolerance.